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Yin Yang

Energies. Went for a 'yin' yoga class yesterday which was quite different. Slept really well thought, so something definitely relaxed within my body that allowed this to happen better. It also gelled well with a note that I had made a few days ago about how Tango unite two separate energies, two different movements that blend together to form a whole.

Thinking more about what it means to lead and exploring the functions that create this dance from the viewpoint of the leader is such a different beast for me. As a follower I am receiving energy, transmitting it, changing it at the whim of an imperceptible shift of weight, capturing and releasing. As a leader I am generating energy, sending it out clearly, giving and also receiving. Without the receiving, you are doing nothing more than talking without truly listening.

We are dancing the same dance, but our language is different, complementary, but different. The principal of the roles create distinct differences in the manner of movement and intent and this is where it gets exciting, where nirvana is being able to understand each other using different languages. When a couple are so in sync that for a moment they are one unit, the left hand and right hand working together.

This conversation that happens so naturally, so within the decision of a split micro-second is what is so delightful about this dance. I am starting to tap into a bit of this with the support of yoga, with the conscious understanding of both subtle and unsubtle elements within myself. Each with a surface representative (tangible) and an underlying representative (intangible). Lungs expanding-breathe entering. Twisting the shoulders-Muscle contracting. Psoas muscles, hip orientation, rolling across the foot.

All in all, excited at this tango phase. Throwing out the constraints of steps and thinking through energy flow. How to short-cut this into leading?

Duende. A word I learnt quite recently though. To maintain duende as the only informant of Tango. To maintain duende as the only true inspiration of this dance and the sparks that happen within this dance. To tap into oneself to truly understand why we are alive. 


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