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Showing posts from March, 2014

The Epitome

God, that voice just makes this so mind blowingly good! Mujer, de mi poema mejor; mujer, yo nunca tuve un amor. perdón si eres mi gloria ideal; perdón, serás mi verso inicial. Woman—my greatest poem is yours! Woman—I'd never had your love before! Forgive me, for your being my glory divine; forgive me: you shall be first among my lines


This years tango fest was...curious, in the sense that it was a funny mix of people who were not from the region and decided to show up, as well as quite lacking in regional representation. But above all, it was kinda fun, and yet again I find myself miles away from the seriously nervous dancer I was 3 years back and even quite recently last year. I don't know what it is but I've found my feet I guess? This grounding that I need to not be nervous and to interpret the music and not care about what everyone else around me is thinking. Eons ago wise words were shared with me on the dance floor of Vitosh Guesthouse by J. "Don't bother with them, they're all too concerned with themselves anyway". Some things come back from the past and hit you hard when you realise exactly what was meant. Had a couple of dream tandas, beautiful waltzes where my partner exclaimed "you're flying!" and proceeded to try and lift a very panicked me. If I could respond...


I can't dance properly after a full day of work and running around carrying 10 yoga mats, rushing home, shoveling food down my throat and then rushing for performances. Sigh. Someone oddly said, after the 3rd song of the tanda, "Oh, I get your style now". Wtf. He could not have been any more insulting. It's at times like this where my benefit of the doubt moments end up being, just doubt. You just really don't know how to lead. That's all. Sheesh.

Of forcefields and energy Loved this article, summed up the recent 'breakthroughs' that I've been having with this dance. Things that make following easier: Commit energy to establishing your axis. If you are not on balance, even a good leader has trouble leading you in the dance. Use your breath and energy to create balance and grounding. Send your directional energy TOWARDS your partner, not away in the direction you are traveling. Keeping the energy focused on your leader means that there is a mini force field between the partners, even in close embrace. (!!!) This protects you from getting stepped on much more than trying to get your feet out from underneath yourself. Also, this gives the leader more energy to play with, reducing the leader's tendency to drive you like a MAC truck. If you feel your partner tense, release your solar plexus. There is no need for both people to...