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If we could dance with ourselves. If. That would be good, because then you'd know how you're initiating movements, how you feel, how you embrace. I mean, people have been very lousy at describing you to yourself right? After all, it passes through their judgement, their comparison filter, their physicality, their thoughts before arriving back again to you.

But I guess just as we can never see our own image, in the same manner, can we never really know how we are like when we are dancing. How we are reacting to someone else. This is where the good teachers differ from the not so good teachers, because they are able to accurately explain your issues and more importantly, what to do as a result of that.

This weekend I grasped a palm in my hand, and I could feel his heartbeat. That is what's amazing about this dance, the stillness and calm that occurs allows for a connection that we just don't get in life often, save between you and your loved ones. We connect on that level with a stranger, whom we do not share speech, culture, nationality, background with, and yet are able to find common ground in an embrace reserved for those nearest and dearest. In the process, able to discover things about ourselves and everything about them. How they react to a setback, how they express themselves, how they treat you as a person, how they treat others around you. Are they self-absorbed? Generous? Caring? Protective? Body language says a lot about us on an innate level, and none more so then when you have to take this body language and translate it into an action.


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