It's been about a year since I've danced my last tanda. I can't believe I've let life and love and work and school get in the way of tango. The sad and horrible part in that is I feel like it will be a while before I can find time to just dance again. I've certainly lost any ability to dance whatever it was that I could a year ago. I feel disconnected from the entire endeavor and I don't know, a tinge of guilt that I've managed to let it go so easily. The school holidays are coming, maybe then?
My Tango Diaries: Lesson with Alejandro Gée and his partner, Joujou : From Alejandro Gée's studio - more pictures and info from his website here: The Lesson with Alejan... 1.) Sink into the standing knee first instead of stepping/falling straight back into the back step. (I've heard that before - not sure why I can't seem to remember to do that.) According to Alejandro, basically the sequence would be: 1. Sink the weight into the floor through the standing leg (here’s where the knee bends slightly in order to be able to push the weight of the body back in the next step), while straight, free leg extends backwards caressing the floor with no weight on it and torso reaches towards the partner. The standing hip is strong and grounded, the free hip is relaxed and opening backwards as a natural continuation of the leg. The knee is straight. 2. Weight transfer: heel of the leg extended backwards goes into the floor and ...
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