"Strangers in the night Two lonely people, we were strangers in the night Up to the moment when we said our first hello little did we know Love was just a glance away, a warm embracing dance away" The longer you end up in Tango, the more the elusive reason of why you stay in it begins to fade. After encountering the negative side of the dance - not getting dances, bitchy people, negative emotions - you tend to forget that the positives more than outweigh the bad really. But if there was really anything at the core of it, it is this, it is the moment of locking eyes with a stranger and suddenly becoming the most intimate acquaintances. Sensual, playful, being able to communicate without words, being able to give and take, yin and yang, feminine to the masculine energies, a real blend. Having fun with the music, having fun with the moves, throwing and catching, releasing and absorbing energies. This is why you train, this is why you take lessons, this is why you spend s...
Writings of the Tango Toddlers