Ah, Musicality. So hard to teach. So so hard. Lessons with Bichi and Luciana who are a lovely couple. Facing all our very blur and quizzical faces and off tempo walking, totally patient and totally strict on the fundamentals. Tough love! Side Runs - Side step then forward outside for the guy, side-collect x3 by the fourth a walk forward, change weight, step back and repeat the whole sequence - To maintain the step and collect to the side, elevate the follower and keep the side on intention clear so she does not end up doing a grapevine, don't let the hips run free (square feel) - Additional post side run will be to rotate the follower so she is on the side of the lead, keeping thighs somewhat close and doing a back-cross sequence x3 as well; the accent is on the back, the cross is a tuck and more of a quick transfer into the next step rather than a rock-step - Do not change the height with the side step, that does not mean that you lock the knee but you try and maintain th...
Writings of the Tango Toddlers