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Showing posts from November, 2013

Tango Equality

I'm always thankful for new people on the scene because it always brings me back to the beginning. It's like being able to return temporarily to breaking down the dance again and again and viewing it through the lens of someone who is noticing things for the first time. Where answers and opinions have not been formed and set in stone through old habits which seriously bring new meaning to the expression, 'old habits die hard'. Also forces us to revisit our 'answers' that we've picked up through the years and see whether our points of awareness have changed or not. Sometimes I think I'm on my way to being a very confused zen-tango-taoist-master...tango is tango....tango is the silence...tango is in the in-betweens...of course the problem with enlightenment is bringing people with you because you can be enlightened all you want but what's the good in that if you can't teach it? Sometimes I wish we all sat around more with mate under a willow tre...