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Showing posts from September, 2013


I can go on for hours about Tango. Seriously. I can talk about connection, music, lessons, experiences, analogies, memories, love. Sometimes I wonder whether people who haven't been bitten by the bug, who have no interest in seeing, listening or participating in this madness, view me as being insane. I guess I don't mind? As long as they TRY it. See this is what annoys me about people sometimes, when they whine and moan and groan about how life is so boring, but when asked to put in 1)Time  and 2)Effort into trying something, they immediately freeze up and make up some crap excuse about being untalented, or being too short, or unfit. Or something. Anything. Anything but to try. TRY DAMNIT, MAYBE YOU'LL LIKE IT. Ok lah, biased here, try Tango, Salsa/Swing/Ballroom, wtv. =P But sometimes you fall in love, you fall in love with the music in a store and take 8 years to realize you can actually DANCE to this. You fall in love with the elegance, the intrigue of 'h...


“ And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.”     -Friedrich Nietzsche Yes, you, my tall skinny actor friend, I shall restart my use of pseudonyms from now on ;), this is a continuation of my thoughts on this topic that encapsulates this dance that we've chosen to torture ourselves with. This topic came up twice tonight, once at the 5pm meetup and yet again at the 9pm meetup by two different sets of people. What is this elusive 'entrega'? How can I entrega when I'm trying to be musical, to have my own axis, to not be heavy! ¡Maldito sea! es imposible! IMHO, I guess entraga is this, it is me telling you to move to the right, but giving no indication of HOW far to move. It is me telling you one thing, but indicating something else with my body language. It is me...almost being confused, and how about you? It is you telling me one thing, leading me to believe one thing, yet in your heart, preserving your own ...