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Showing posts from September, 2011

There was this.... moment on the final day of May Madness where we connected so well. The lesson for the day was rhythm and tempo and sorting out your minims from your crotchets and quavers in the walk. The linear grapevine movement and I was so not bothered to dress up with my left big toe half out of blood circulation! And we connected. So. Well. Last cumparsita's at Thursday practice at Kenville, being interrupted from a convo with a mich. alumni to dance. the. last. dance. I trusted you. I still do.

Ho hum

Took a 2 week hiatus off tango due to raya and other things going on, slowly but surely havn't been going as regularly and it's like slipping back into something that doesn't fit too well, but is all too familiar. I sat there and started the wishing again, it's been so long since Mason Hall MTango lesson days that I've forgotten that initial rush. What happened to worrying about MY own moves rather than whether I can do what HE wants to do? What happened to that? Have to try recapture it, and stop my mind from telling my feet to embellish, I dance for myself, no one else.