Nyekekeke, performing at the Christmas Milonga thingy which should be interesting. Slightly apprehensive and hopefully don't make too much of a fool of myself! If there's anything I've been doing besides trying to challenge myself by interpreting harder dance signals from the more advanced dancers, it is a rehauling of the way I've been stepping and transferring my weight. I will forever be challenged by balance which essentially is the core of what Tango dancing is about. I'm still trying to reconcile the fact that Tango is such a partner dance and yet with the element of independence to it. The lean has to be just right, the embrace just perfect, the signals exact to a fault otherwise everything would go slightly haywire. At some point when I'm not concentrating my mind is picking up signals faster than my legs which result in quite a bit of hilarity when the conversation in my head goes something like this: Brain: Right left right, no no ok wait for it ca...
Writings of the Tango Toddlers