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Showing posts from January, 2015


I have been shifting focus internally all over the place recently. Sometimes I wish this conscious incompetence would just go away for a while, so I can shut up the critic in my head that seems to have gotten louder the more I dance. Are you balanced? Did you embellish to that quaver? Why is your rotation on the left so weak? Knees keep banging into the guy! Ochos not feeling supported! Don't hang off him! Disassociate damnit! Left toes also feeling a lot more pain recently. Hello bunions, you can go away now please. Looking forward to KLTF. Had a quick discussion about egos in Tango as I am getting irked by certain people because of this. The ones who think they are "the shit" and where they can barely acknowledge the people who supported them from the start, thinking that they were the only ones responsible for their current outcome. Bullshit. Which only serves to remind myself never to turn into them (at the risk of course, of going the opposite way an...

Yin Yang

Energies. Went for a 'yin' yoga class yesterday which was quite different. Slept really well thought, so something definitely relaxed within my body that allowed this to happen better. It also gelled well with a note that I had made a few days ago about how Tango unite two separate energies, two different movements that blend together to form a whole. Thinking more about what it means to lead and exploring the functions that create this dance from the viewpoint of the leader is such a different beast for me. As a follower I am receiving energy, transmitting it, changing it at the whim of an imperceptible shift of weight, capturing and releasing. As a leader I am generating energy, sending it out clearly, giving and also receiving. Without the receiving, you are doing nothing more than talking without truly listening. We are dancing the same dance, but our language is different, complementary, but different. The principal of the roles create distinct differences in the m...


There's a clear distinction why, despite the fact that Sg has so many more male leads, that I prefer the Malaysia dance scene. Company. Socialisation. This ever more so important with gender balances at the rate that they are, you have to have someone to talk to, laugh with, discuss, debate...and practice your terrible leading on. Girls. The ones who will take your dances, and the ones who will also uplift a lousy milonga where your butt sees more action on your chair than on the floor. The discussions and times over margaritas at Tios with newly found friends. The connections made over banana flambe's, tiramisu and other yummy food in La Boca. Taking time to teach a new follower the finer points of this dance. Getting advice from each other, pushing each other to progress, to dance better, to enhance the following. Beyond that, having a dedicated partner, both in Tango and in life (in that moment at least), I've forgotten this already. Entirely. Seeking differ...


Hmmm, maybe we should all try yoga before Tango, seems to improve the following so much more! Last Tango less of the year with Roberto and Julieta, so much better than fighting crowds and Tango DI's. Things to remember: - Always lead with intent, the imperceptible shift of the chest generates a whole host of beautiful movement and leads to smooth, non-jolty leading - Keep the ankles together, especially during ochos, no point walking with collected ankles if the ochos do not have the same feature - Less noise (overall) - Big toe always pointed, watch the tendency to roll over to the small toe

More Tango!

Let's just say Tango Crisis is over. So much, much more balanced. But still have to work on keeping the dang heels together during ochos. Other than that. Here's to a great year of dancing!